Tuesday, October 26, 2010


18" X 26" oil on masonite

Here's an unfinished piece which was worked from a series of photos of Amelie's first communion at our good friends' farm in Manitoba.  White sky, wind, just coming up on a bitter time of year, this beautiful family is dancing and playing outside-  And in reality, inside, all the people who have shown up to celebrate the first communion are looking out the window and thinking, "who are these people?"  This painting is going to evolve organically, as there is no set timeframe for which it has to get done.  I can kinda mess with it, and tweak it from time to time until the next time Steph and Lise come out to visit-  At which time I'll have to hustle to get it done, because it is theirs.  They are getting together a nice collection of artwork, some stuff by Ken Chambers, Denise Lesage's Woodpile, Bonnie's Pottery and other cool Valley artist's stuff.  I'm really happy to be part of their collection.


  1. I absolutely love the composition and the feeling of this painting.

  2. Thanks Barbra! I'll be sure to post a better, more hi-res image after the painting is finished. It was a fun one to paint, and it represents where my work is going: bigger, more narrative, and chunkier!
