Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"Collaborative Finish"

14" x 24" oil and acrylic on birch plywood

And I have done a little exploring in the world of lucid dreaming- although I wouldn't consider myself an onironaut yet, but I kept a lucid dream journal at one dedicated point once, for six weeks running, and I have to say; it was exhausting and exhilarating: Imagine that, for weeks, you can clearly remember all of your dreams like it was everyday life, and so for weeks, all of your memories get kind of combined with your waking life's memories, and so you remember writing on the walls which was inverted or backwards or whatever, and animals that show up at odd times and things being out-of-place and being chased by zombies and cannibals and don't you know that tons of people use their dogs as ring-bearers for their own weddings these days? You didn't just dream that, you tell yourself.


  1. This is a GREAT painting! I've studied it over and over. Let me tell you what's great about it...there is mood and movement and an incredible juxtaposition of reality and fantasy subtle yet paradoxically obvious. For anyone contemplating going to look at David's work...I urge you to beat your feet over to see this exhibit...and for those of you no longer interested in owning useless crap found @ Walmart...THIS is the piece I would buy if I wasn't broke. Not just because its a great investment...but because its a damn GREAT piece of art!

  2. Thank you for the post, Anonymous. I love it when people get themselves worked up into a lather over good/bad paintings. You know, the response to this one has been so overwhelmingly positive, I feel like I'd like to keep a "Dream Painting Journal," where all of the paintings that have to do with my or other people's dreams get posted and discussed; and the key, again and again, is that there is some small detail that is out-of-place within the painting, and also that the narrative is largely unresolved, and feels like its balancing on the edge of something- Like maybe backward text, out-of-place-animals or objects, akin to how, when you're dreaming, you know it's not real because John Cleese is your best friend or whatever.

    I'd love to hear about some dreams that would make good paintings...
