8"X 8" oil on masonite
I almost can't write the words, "The Road," for fear of the movie that's coming out based off Cormac McCarthy's book of the same name. The book disturbed the living piss out of me, and it looks like, based on the couple of trailers I've seen, the movie is going to be just as terrifying. And I mean deep-down, soul-crushingly terrifying. At least to me anyway. And what's with all of this fascination with post-apocalyptic survival genre/zombie movie fascination lately? Why is the Zeitgeist all fixated on catastrophe and not free love? Wait... Don't answer that.
Anyway, Here's a painting of the Inland Island Highway between Parksville and Courtenay, with just a bit of a rusty bridge crossing the route in the background and a big ol' melancholy sky, as if a painting of a melancholy sky really matters, in the grand scheme of things.